Our VentureStar spaceliner docks with the space station using pressurized rings located on the Bottom Level. There are three sections to the Bottom Level (Image 1). The VentureStar docks on either end of the top part, which is comprised of docking ports, two observation singlewides, and one observation Half–Singlewide.
Image 1: EOS Bottom Level front view |
Underneath the top level is a vertical Singlewide Observation module and horizontal Singlewide Observation modules attached at right angles (Image 2). This will provide spectacular views of spacecraft docking and undocking.
Image 2: EOS Bottom Level view from the top |
If we take Image 2 and pitch down, you get Image 3. This image shows the docking ports underneath the observation Singlewides.
Image 3: EOS Bottom Level side view |
The second level is a unique Singlewide that has three ECLSS units on the top and bottom decks, allowing for 360–degree views from the middle four decks.