It has now been three years since the "First Shovel" ceremony, and the desert has bloomed into an oasis. Now the flying begins.
Flight testing all of the vehicles will take about one year. The RV will take up half of that time, with the rest of the vehicles taking the other six months to complete testing.
The testing order will be as follows:
- RV
- VentureStar Escape Module
- UV
- Docking with other UVs
- Docking with RV
- Inchworm Remote Manipulator System
- Spacesuit
- UV Airlock
- CM
- Docking with UV
- Docking with RV
- Spacesuit Attachment Unit
- OV
- Orbital Test
- High Orbital Test
- PM
- UV Refill
- OV Refill
- LV
- Landing Kit Attachment
- LV Refill
- Orbital Test
- CV
- CV Core and Saddlebag Attachment
- CV Refill
- Orbital Test
- High Orbital Test