Now that our test CM is is good shape, it is now time to use the UV airlock to test the spacesuits.
The Portable Life Support System (PLSS) or "backpack" is detached from two of the suits. Two of the four astronauts ingress into their spacesuits from the back and the other astronauts help to reattach the PLSS.
After a systems check, they enter the UV airlock attached at the top of the CM. After depressurization, they open the hatch, tether themselves, and step out into more history.
The Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) will test the suit, noting its flexibility, any leakage, pressurization variations, etc. After a few hours, they will return to the UV and re–pressurize the airlock and triumphantly reenter the CM.
After a few days of debriefing, the other two astronauts will take their turn.
Once the four spacesuits have been demonstrated to operate nominally, the next phase of testing begins.
The original two astronauts will don their space gear again, and once again go outside. This time, however, they will attempt to "click in" to the EVA ports on the side of the CM. Once attached, the crew inside will open the interior hatch and detach the PLSS, allowing the astronaut to egress from the spacesuit (Image 1).
Image 1: The spacesuit attachment diagram |
The crew will now spend the remaining time in space performing several spacewalks using the EVA ports.
Once all of the tests are complete, the spacesuit and CM EVA ports may be classified as operational.