The VentureStar will have a 6day turnaround time, that is, the RV spaceliner will launch every six days. It will spend one day in space and five days being refurbished and reloaded for relaunched.

The blueprint calls for a launch rate of two flights per day for 336 days per year. This requires a total of 12 spaceliners to accommodate this schedule. An additional four RVs will be constructed as well for various nonflyable scenarios: one will be down for scheduled maintenance, one will be down for unscheduled maintenance, one will stay aloft for more than one day, and one will account for a loss of vehicle. That is a grand total of 16 RVs in four years, implying a construction rate of 4 spaceliners per year or one every three months.

After four years of service, the spaceliner will then be replaced, with the old spaceliner deleted from the fleet.

With a loss of one vehicle approximately every four years, that computes to a "triplenine" safety rate of 0.999628 (99.96%).
